Mozambique became the last Southern African state to install the Information Tracking System, developed by Software Company Ltd., under the EU Project MC 5.01 15B: Support to Southern African States in Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, carried out by ISTC. Thus all training rounds were completed as part of the implementation phase of the project. ITS is now available and in use in DR Congo, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. This forms a congruent area across the Southern part of the African continent in which transport of radioactive material may be monitored in real time.
The training in using the ITS was carried out remotely from May 10th through May 14th with 9 participants from Agência Nacional de Energia Atômica (ANEA – Mozambican National Atomic Energy Agency), and included theoretical and practical work on all the modules of the platform. After all the material was covered in four days, a real-time demonstration was performed on the last day of the training, including a vehicle with trackers on board going on a predefined route outside of Maputo, simulating an actual shipment. The participants were very proactive both in the discussions and throughout the practical work with the system and completed the online exam successfully with an average score of 88 %. All of them were awarded Certificates of completion.