
ESSAY COMPETION on topic: ‘How international cooperation can boost research and development in my area of expertise?’

On the occasion of the Republic of Kenya becoming the first African State Party to ISTC,

and the convening by KEBS of the Regional Metrology Conference (RMC) (6th-10th December 2021, Mombasa)


the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) and the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) organize

an ESSAY COMPETION on topic:


‘How international cooperation can boost research and development in my area of expertise?’


The competition is open for participation to experts (up to the age of 40 years) in nuclear research and applications, radiological safety, security, and safeguards, metrology, scientific and engineering measurement application, analysis and testing processes, health care, biosecurity and biosafety, and other areas related to environmental risk assessment and mitigation.



  • All submissions must be sent to the submissions mailbox by 21 November 2021. Submissions must be sent to:
  • Winners will be announced during the Regional Metrology Conference (6th-10th December 2021, Mombasa).



An ISTC-KEBS panel will assess the essays, and award the prizes

  • First prize: USD 1 000.00,
  • Runner-up: USD 500.00.
  • Third place laureate(s): USD 250.00.



  • Essay structure & composition

The essay forms a well-written and logically organized/structured essay with a clearly defined thesis statement supported by factual information

  • Correct spelling and grammatical style

The essay should exhibit correct spelling and grammatical style

  • Appropriateness
  • Documentation of works cited (if any)
  • Critical thinking and conclusions

The essay demonstrates critical thinking and analysis, accurately interprets and explain evidence, and draws conclusions/insights

  • Narrative focus and strength of argument

Develops a logical, coherent, and fully corroborated argument to the assignment question posed. This response should include an identifiable: introduction (with a clear thesis sentence); body of text (series of supporting ideas/evidence); and, conclusion (brings together the arguments and presents a clear position on the issue)

  • Availability and relevance of international best practices
  • Relevant project proposal will be in advantage.




  • The authors are expected to state their name, educational qualifications, professional affiliation and contact points. Personal data will be preserved in line with the respective policies of ISTC and KEBS.
  • The essay should be written in English, and its volume should not exceed 2 500 words, reference notes included.
  • Font style and size: Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 interlinear
  • In-text citations and references should follow the Harvard Referencing Style System
  • Essays should not have been published before.
  • Referencing: essays should cite their sources using footnotes.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Submissions must be written by the author listed as the submitter.
  • Submissions are deemed final. Revised versions will not be accepted.